Internet Privacy

Internet Privacy is crucial - more than ever today.It is because hackers and other cybercriminals remain at large and will do anything to invade your privacy by exploiting your online habits and sensitive information which should be your concern, alone. which should be your concern, alone.

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What is Internet Privacy

What is Internet Privacy?

Internet Privacy is when you are able to browse and surf the web without prying eyes. Privacy means that whatever you do online, no one else can take a peek at it and especially not use it for personal gains. Data is a commodity in the current online landscape and by tapping into your privacy, your browsing habits and other confidential information can be easily viewed by the world. Hackers and surveillance agencies tend to stay interested in your private information so that it can be sold to the highest bidder in order to make money off it or to keep tabs on your internet whereabouts. Thus, Safeguarding your privacy is of paramount importance.Safeguarding your Internet Privacy is thus of paramount importance.

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Stay Anonymous Online

Should the Invasion of Internet Privacy be Concerning?

Of course, or else you cannot stay anonymous online. Anonymity guarantees that your activities online are invisible to any outside parties which is why a VPN such as Ivacy can come in handy. It masks your IP address thereby allowing you to connect from a different IP making you appear from elsewhere. Once done, your Internet Privacy is safe because not a soul can learn of your online whereabouts and they don’t have to - it’s your privacy, after all. Invasion of privacy is not to be tolerated and that’s what Ivacy has always stood for - impenetrable security.has always stood for - impenetrable security.

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Biggest Internet Privacy Scandals

You can read from our list of articles that detail how violation of Internet Privacy has led to catastrophe all over the world. Internet Privacy is a serious issue and must not be taken lightly.

Cambridge Analytica

Cambridge Analytica

Cambridge Analytica was a part of a political scandal with Facebook in 2018, where it was found to be collecting personal data of millions of people from their Facebook profiles without consent. The data was then used for political advertising. This scandal revealed how little internet users actually understood about the importance of their personal data. Facebook refused to give a statement, and failed to counter any articles about the controversy.

AOL Search Data Leak

AOL Search Data Leak

In 2006, AOL released a considerable amount of data pertaining to user search requests to the general public. Although the users making those searches were not revealed, there was still enough data present to identify internet users. Even though AOL deleted the data later on, it was too late as the data had already been duplicated and distributed. AOL accepted its mistake, but there was little that could be done to help those that suffered because of this leak.

The Equifax Credit Disaster

The Equifax Credit Disaster

In 2017, personally identifiable information for millions of people was compromised. Equifax, a credit reporting agency, responsible for assessing the financial health of individuals across the United States had been hacked. Due to this breach, a number of controversies and scandals were born. The credit reporting agency was highly criticized for its lack of security protocols, while its top executives were accused of being corrupt.

Laws Around the World on Internet Privacy

Following are the laws from a variety of countries that will help you identify why Internet Privacy is of paramount importance everywhere. You can read about a few of them below.

Germany Laws

Germany has a Data Retention Act enacted in 2015, requiring allISPs to keep records of phone numbers, SMS, IP addresses, and port numbers for a period of no more than 10 weeks to ensure that Internet Privacy of the users is not taken for granted.

Canada Laws

When it comes to Canada, there are no laws at the moment which dictate ISPs to log and retain customer data or where they are required to ask for explicit consent from customersbefore sharing their data with any third parties. Although, efforts are underway to bring inplace legislation that would govern Internet Privacy.

Australia Laws

Australia Data Retention Act came into being in 2015 and it requires ISPs and telcos to record customer emails, telephone records, and Internet metadata for two years. This makes it easier for law enforcement agencies to keep track of matters pertaining to national security.

Turkey Laws

In Turkey, it’s called Protection of Personal Data and was passed in 2016. It is applicable to both Turkish citizens and those residing abroad. The state can collect data such as personal information regarding visual data, social security numbers, voice records, ID info, etc.

China Laws

China has laws which are in strict compliance with surveillance tech through which Chinese authorities use it for monitoring 1.4 billion of its citizens. This includes facial recognition, fine jaywalkers, and forcing people to download apps that gather info on the photos and videos in their phones. It’s called the Great Firewall for nothing.

Russia Laws

Russia has a Big Brother law which is debatable and is controversial in nature. The law forces companies to keep track of customer chat history, SMS, and other phone conversations for six months and provide it to Russian intelligence authorities when demanded.

How can I Protect My Internet Privacy?

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Ivacy’s servers list include 5700 servers and favors 100+ locations leading you to protectInternet Privacy like no other. Its multitude of protocols as well as up to 256-bit Military Grade Encryption makes violation of your internet privacy by cyber-criminals next to impossible,so employ the best security and remain immune to threats at all times.

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The Guide to Privacy

Browse from our list of articles to learn how you can better protect yourself onlinefrom cyber attacks and other threats lurking on the internet while at the same timepreventing the invasion of privacy.


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