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Beware of the ‘Internet of Things’ Monster! before it’s too late

internet of things

Mary Shelley, while writing her classic novel Frankenstein, might not have thought about the scientific revolution it would bring to the modern world. Thank you very much Mary for your novel, for it has redefined the concept and the practice of technological innovation that we experience today. Frankenstein has proved to be the precedent for the current situation.

The Monster Among Us

The Internet of Things (IoT) is looming on us. In fact it’s already upon us. We need to observe. The so-called IoT has affected us – the common people – in all the major aspects of our lives. Look around! We have got smart devices, mobile phones, PDAs, laptops, smart TVs, wearable tech devices, iPads, iPods, iPhones, etc. All meant to make our lives easier.  

Well, well, well… there is a catch. And that’s really scary.  The unprecedented use of such smart devices is dangerous. And I stand by my point. Let me explain…… When you use internet services, or any smart device, you need to provide your username and other credentials to sign up. You get an IP in lieu of sharing your information.

Now, tell me, would anyone of you like to share your identity – the most sacred possession of yours – with someone whom you don’t know? Surely you would not. Then how come you, being an internet user would tolerate anyone to breach your personal security.

How IoT is Affecting Us – A Legal Perspective

There exists an enormous threat with regards to cyber security and protection of online users’ rights. The IoT is everywhere. The gravity of situation and the level of online security breaches have forced the international governments, most notably the United States and the European Union (EU) to come up with exclusive laws governing the cyber security sphere.

You are constantly under government’s surveillance. Even if you are driving your car, you are on the radar. Just check out the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Act and the Federal Trade Commission Act. Both these Acts are being supported by a large number of the U.S. senators. Similarly, the EU has come up with its own version of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This act requires all the cars to be equipped with built-in emergency call systems. You can also read about the CISPA Act here.

These are only three recently debated legislations. They are only addressing a small part of the problem. How come such Acts guarantee the safety of  a citizen.

The point here is that we have to take care of ourselves. We  should not rely on the so-called surveillance laws to protect us. In fact these are just governmental tactics  to breach an individual’s privacy.

I have shared only one example. You can relate numerous examples where, if you are using a smart device or if you are surfing online, it’s certain that you are at risk of losing your privacy to third party surveillance agencies. That’s really terrible!

Digital Marketing and IoT

What’s in there for the digital marketers. They use IoT for their advantage. With the invention of Apple iPhones, there must be a lot of apps required to support the product. The aggressive marketing that comes along with such products is already showing the impact it can have on us.

It’s really a high time for us to look after our assets – identity and privacy that are already at stake. This practice will continue for other products as well, until the Internet of Things become Internet of Everything – and that too without any human involvement.

Concluding Remarks

Brace yourselves. The devil of IoT is here! In order to counter the so called threats of IoT, you need to play it safe and keep yourself anonymous.

One of the best ways to protect your internet privacy, is to cloak your IP under a secure and renowned Virtual Private Network (VPN) service. It will not only help you hide your identity but will also help you use internet services without any hindrance or fear of attack from the intruders, hackers, and federal surveillance agencies.  

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