How to Change NAT type on Xbox One
The inability to play online games is expectedly linked to NAT error. For every gamer around the world, they must have know-how with terminologies like NAT type which is the first step before changing the NAT type on Xbone One.
If you are facing issues while playing online games on Xbox One and consider it to be a NAT-type related issue, follow this guide.
What is NAT?
Network Address Translation or NAT is the process executed by your router of connecting devices to the internet. It’s an initial process that distinguishes one route from another.
One of the basic objectives of NAT is to shorten the number of public IP addresses used by an organization. This is a potential step to conserve IP addresses that are already fading and strengthen the security protocols. The internet is flooding with billions of different IP address combinations getting exhausted over time. To get rid of their over-abundance, NAT does a simple trick which is to limit the number of IPs to a single IP address.
Understanding NAT Types
Before changing NAT types on your Xbox One, let us know about the different NAT types:
Open NAT: Allows all connections by the multiplayer. This type of NAT allows users to join games freely and connect with any player hassle-free.
Moderate NAT: Allows connecting to most of the players with marginal restrictions, which is acceptable for gaming purposes.
Strict NAT: This NAT type limits the connections significantly. You may find it problematic to connect with friends or join game servers.
In case your NAT type is Moderate or Strict, it’s time to make some changes!