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Lack of Emphasis on Privacy is a Real Threat!

A lot of people are unaware of the risks associated with using public computers and Wi-Fi networks. This can create a lot of problems for said people that do not take the necessary precautions to safe and secure online. If you are on such individual, here are a few tips for you to consider.


What More Can be Done?

Now that you know a few tips, you will find it easier to stay secure online. Remember, this is just the beginning, as you will still need to stay up-to-date to avoid new risks that present themselves with every passing day. Enough emphasis cannot be placed on the fact that you will need to start reading more about technology, all the while making sure you use a VPN, like Ivacy religiously to avoid getting in hot waters. Value your internet privacy, stay safe and secure online at all costs.

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Tags : privacy tipsPublic ComputersWi-Fi

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