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Is Bluestacks safe?

If you have spent your fair share of time on computers, you have probably heard the name Bluestacks at least once. And for those who do not know what Bluestacks is, we thought to shed light on it and discuss it thoroughly.

Bluestacks is a long-standing Android emulator that has been in the industry for quite some time. With millions of users all across the globe, Bluestocks became probably the most desired Android emulator in the world. It allows users to access their favorite Android apps on Windows.

Even with this popularity, people still ponder, “Is Bluestacks safe?” But do not worry yourselves. We are here to answer the question for you and enlighten you on all other aspects of Bluestacks. So, let’s get started:

Is Bluestacks Safe?

The question remains, though, is Bluestacks safe or not? Bluestacks is entirely safe to use on your Windows PC and macOS Mac. Antivirus software and firewalls often consider Bluestacks a threat since it is a third-party tool.

Any time a third-party tool seeks permission to run on an operating system, the antivirus and firewall software’s first response is to consider it a threat.

However, remember that you must always download the Bluestacks Android emulator from their official website. Any file downloaded from another website cannot be vouched for.

Furthermore, Bluestacks often works appropriately once the antivirus is disabled while it is being installed. But fear not, as this disabling of the antivirus software is only temporary. It is there to ensure that the software is installed correctly. Once the installation is complete, you may enable your antivirus software again.

What is Bluestacks?

Bluestacks is an American Android emulator launched in April 2009 by the Bluestacks technology company. Bluestacks is the company’s primary product that overshadows its other cloud-based products.

Bluestacks emulator allows users to run their desired Android apps on Windows and macOS. It enables you to use the Android versions of the utility apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and countless others, and it is also great for playing smartphone games like PUBG: Mobile, COD: Mobile, Among Us, and many others on the big screen.

The founders of Bluestacks, Suman Saraf, Rosen Sharma, and Jai Vaishnav, launched it as a free application, thus allowing millions to run Android apps on Windows and macOS without paying a penny.

Being a free application, Bluestacks is often considered a threat by firewalls and antivirus software. This is because any third-party tool always goes through strict scrutiny by any operating system’s firewall and antivirus software.

Applications of Bluestacks

As discussed earlier, Bluestacks is an Android emulator that allows users to use their favorite Android apps on Windows and macOS. The Bluestacks emulator can be downloaded from the Bluestacks website with minimal effort. And moving on, the users can instantly start enjoying their favorite Android apps once it is installed on the system.

Why is Bluestacks Popular?

The biggest reason Bluestacks is probably so popular is that it is free. People can download the Bluestacks emulator from their official website. And after a quick installation process, they can start using their Android app on PCs and Macs.

How to Install Bluestacks on Windows?

Before you can start enjoying your favorite Android apps on Windows through Bluestacks, you must first install it on your PC. Here is a quick yet effective process that will guide you on how to install Bluestacks on Windows:

  • Open the internet browser.
  • Visit the Bluestacks official website.
  • Go to their download page and find your compatible bit version of Bluestacks.
  • Once you have found your compatible version of Bluestacks, click on the Download option.
  • Once downloaded, open the installer file.
  • Either click on the Install Now or Customize Installation option in the installer.
  • Now, wait a few moments for Bluestacks to finish installing on your PC.
  • Launch Bluestacks (if it does not launch automatically).
  • Log in to your Google account with your login credentials.
  • You can now start using Bluestacks on Windows.

How to Install Bluestacks on macOS?

Installing Bluestacks on macOS is also quite simple. You can download, install, and start using Bluestacks on macOS in a few easy steps. Let us show you how to do that:

  • Open the internet browser on your system.
  • Open the Bluestacks official website.
  • Navigate to their download page.
  • There, find the compatible bit version of Bluestacks for your macOS.
  • Once found, click on the Download option.
  • Wait for the installation to complete.
  • Once downloaded, open the installer file on your system.
  • Once opened, click on the Install Now option.
  • Enter your username and password, and click on the Install Helper option.
  • A pop-up stating “System Extension Blocked” may appear.
  • Click on Open Security & Privacy.
  • Then, click on the Allow button.
  • Log in to your Google account with your login credentials.
  • You can now start using Bluestacks on macOS.

What are the System Requirements for Installing Bluestacks?

Here are the system requirements that you need to have to install Bluestacks on your systems:


Minimum RequirementsRecommended Requirements
OS VersionWindows 7 (or higher)Windows 10
ProcessorAMD or Intel ProcessorAMD or Intel Multi-Core Processor with Single Thread PassMark score of 1000
Graphics CardNoATI/Nvidia/Intel, Onboard or Discrete controlled with PassMark score of 750
VirtualizationShould be enabledShould be enabled
RAM2 GB (or higher)8 GB (or higher)
HDD Space5 GB free disk spaceSSD (or Hybrid/Fusion Drives)
Graphics DriversUp-to-date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendorUp-to-date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendor
AdministratorShould be an Administrator on your computerShould be an Administrator on your computer


Minimum RequirementsRecommended Requirements
OS VersionmacOS Sierra (or higher)macOS Mojave or macOS Catalina)
ProcessorAMD or Intel Dual Core ProcessorAMD or Intel Multi-Core Processor with Single Thread PassMark score of 1500
Graphics CardIntel HD 5200 (or higher)ATI/Nvidia/Intel, Onboard or Discrete controller with PassMark score of 750
VirtualizationShould be enabledShould be enabled
RAM4 GB8 GB (or higher)
HDD Space8 GB free disk spaceSSD with 32 GB free disk space
Graphics DriversGraphics driver with support for OpenGL 2.1Up-to-date graphics driver with support for OpenGL 2.1 (or higher)
AdministratorShould be an Administrator of your computerShould be an Administrator on your computer

Is It Legal to Use Bluestacks?

Yes, Bluestack is entirely legal to use as an emulator. It is a free-to-download software that emulates the Android operating system. And there is nothing illegal about that. Had it been posing as an official application of Android or been subject to some form of copyright law, the situation would have been quite different. So, the answer to the question “Is Bluestacks safe?” remains Yes.

Alternatives to Bluestacks

There are several reliable alternatives to Bluestacks as well. That is if you do not consider Bluestacks your preferred Android emulator anymore. Here, we have listed a few of the most prominent Bluestacks alternatives for you:

Andy Android Emulator

Andy Android Emulator is probably the best alternative to Bluestacks you can find. We say it is an excellent alternative because it is compact, and even the most humble storage can accommodate it. Moreover, people wanting to use an Android emulator on a smaller screen can also benefit from it. It features a user-friendly interface where you will find all your familiar Android apps under one roof. Just log in with your Google account, and you will be good to go.

Nox App Player

Another great alternative to Bluestacks is the Nox App Player. It also comes with a simple interface, which further enables you to develop and test Android apps even. Furthermore, it comes with an integrated Google Play Store that you can use for further convenience. All it will need is your Google login credentials.


For all smartphone gamers, Dolphin is the Android Emulator you could consider. This Android Emulator rids you of the need to make complex configurations and get right down to the good part, which is playing games on it. Apart from letting you enjoy your favorite Android games, the Dolphin emulator also comes with an Action Replay feature that allows you to revisit your favorite gaming moments in slow motion and experience the action again.

Android x86

Next, we have the Android x86 Android emulator. This happens to be an excellent option if you prefer a more professional experience. This Emulator has customization options, such as wheel sensor settings and kernel support. So, for instance, if you want to play a certain game at a faster pace, this is the Android Emulator for you.

YouWave Android Emulator

Another great alternative to Bluestacks is the YouWave Android Emulator. What makes this alternate Emulator so great is that it also comes with its own app store. And with this app store, you can play certain Android multiplayer Android games on your PC directly. And if that is not your cup of tea, the Google Play Store is still there to enable you to play Android games on the Emulator.


We cannot ignore the contribution of LDPlayer when talking about dependable Bluestacks alternatives. Having received great reviews from the users, this Android Emulator is an excellent tool for playing high-speed Android games on Windows.


Genymotion makes for the ultimate Bluestacks alternative for all hardcore Android users. Not only does it let you use your preferred Android apps on Windows, but it can also work perfectly with Android Studio and Eclipse. So, if you plan to develop your own Android smartphone game, this is the Android Emulator for you.

Ko Player

Speaking of great alternatives to Bluestacks, the Ko Player is bound to make the cut. It offers a user-friendly interface that lets you play your desired Android games and use other Android applications on Windows and macOS. Moreover, this Emulator also enables you to record your gaming session so that you might share your skills for the world to see.

Game Loop

This particular Android Emulator has become quite popular recently as if it was not popular already. Coming from Chinese origins, Game Loop is an exceptional Android Emulator that allows you to enjoy industry-leading Android games such as PUBG: Mobile, COD: Mobile, Among Us, and countless others comfortably. It has a vibrant interface where you can also find the controller settings for your respective game on the side.


MEmu is a Bluestacks alternative that you might also want to check out. It enables you to run your go-to Android applications instantly on your PC. You can also run multiple instances of this Android Emulator and launch multiple Android apps simultaneously on your PC.

Android Studio

Lastly, you must not forget Android Studio as a worthy alternative to Bluestacks. This happens to an Emulator by Google itself, thus ridding you of the need to seek the answer to the question, “Is Bluestacks safe?”. This particular Emulator might require heavy system specifications, as it has a strong programming potential and rendering capabilities. In short, this one is for the truly dedicated Android programmers.

What more can I do to Secure Myself?

You can definitely do one thing to keep yourself secure and private from the threats lurking online. Ivacy VPN has the power to cover your tracks online while you roam. It hides your actual IP address and replaces it with a virtual IP address from a different geographical location. This way, your information, online activity, and physical location stay hidden.


The Final Verdict

Hopefully, we have entirely answered the question, “Is Bluestacks safe?” for you. And you have everything you need to know about Bluestacks with you. Now, it is your turn to do the hard work and install Bluestacks on your systems. And if the need arises, look into some of the Bluestacks alternatives we have listed above for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can BlueStacks give you a virus?

You should not face any virus if you download Bluestacks from the official website. However, if you resort to third-party channels, you might open yourself up to serious risks.

  • Does Bluestacks collect data?

Bluestacks may collect certain pieces of information, such as type of hardware, operating system details, and network configuration, to improve the overall service quality for you.

  • Is BlueStacks a Chinese company?

Bluestacks is an American company founded in 2009. It owns the Bluestacks App Player and several other cloud-based products.

  • Are VPN services legal to use?

Users can use a VPN service legally in most regions. However, there are some regions where using a VPN service is still illegal. To stay safe from any trouble, users must contact a lawyer who can guide them on local law. Ask them whether it is safe to use a VPN service in the region. If they say it is okay, then they may proceed to subscribe to and use a VPN service in the region.

  • Is it safe to use a free VPN service?

Free VPN services are known for often sharing user data with third parties. This violation of privacy is something that cannot be neglected. Users would be better off using VPN services like Ivacy VPN since they are backed by strict VPN protocols that ensure privacy and security throughout.

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