Offerings for Public Service Organization

Offerings for Public Service Organization

Atom Aspire Towards A Safe & Secure Ecosystem For General Public

Public services facilities such as airports, hospitals, railway stations, and financial institutions are in a perfect storm generated by the new wave of cyber-attacks, remote threats and data theft which require some serious Cyber Security solutions.

Reliable Network Protection For Public Transportation Facilities

Transportation facilities have also embraced the digital culture, but every user who is on the go and is connected with the facility’s network is vulnerable to cyber-attacks, so it is of utmost importance that every public network is secured with powerful encryption.

Wi-Fi Security for

Security Solutions For

Internet Security For

Trustable Online Security Solutions For Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry today faces a unique set of challenges like safeguarding patients’ sensitive data and protecting internet-enabled medical equipment. By utilizing Atom’s security services, healthcare facilities can have real-time protection from cyber-attacks.

Advanced Threat

Atom’s advance online security features enable healthcare organizations to detect threats in advance and stay protected from cyber threats that could potentially exploit hospital’s network and adversely affect hospital’s brand identity through sensitive unsecure data at rest.


Up To Date With Security

As security services providers we are aware of the privacy policies, security regulations and data retention laws all over the world, so, we work on the actionable recommendations and suggestions to keep up with the security compliances.

Protect internet-enabled

We leverage the economies of our secure architecture to provide security to the end-point based systems such as smartphones, personal computers, laptops and medical devices. We make sure that your business stays protected against online threats.

Integrated Security Solutions For Financial Institutions

Financial institutions are a goldmine for hackers and are most susceptible to getting attacked by cyber threats, so they require advanced protection that can counter unique industry-specific challenges

Robust Protection

Online banking transactions, payment merchants or payment processors, or any other related financial online activity, all these are attractive avenues for cybercriminals.

Protect ATMs

Integrated protection against systems that are built on single end-point based architecture such as ATMs needs the utmost protection from hack attacks.

Ensure Reliability & Trust

Financial institutions bear heavy responsibilities upon themselves, so fortifying their infrastructure to the highest levels only goes about on ensuring more trust over their customers.

Operational Efficiency

Once you are covered on the aspect of online security, privacy, and encryption for your systems, you can focus on bigger prospects and opportunities which increase business efficiency.

Ultimate Online Security For Hotels

Free public Wi-Fi in Hotels is breeding grounds for hackers, which is why hotels need to provide their guests with a secure online network where they can connect and surf the internet with complete freedom and peace of mind.

Secure Wi-Fi

International Online

Minimize Travel

Published on January 14, 2020



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