Ivacy LookOut searches the web for any data breaches that has your email in it.
We find this information and warn you about it with possible solutions.
Once you enter your email address, Ivacy LookOut searches the web for data breaches,
and if it detects it in any of the breaches, you're notified instantly.
Type your email address that you want to check.
We check if your personal information related to your email is leaked in any breach.
We will email you a breach report with possible solutions and quick fixes you can do on your part.
A data breach occurs when a hacker gains access to the database of a service or company which contains users’ private information. This information can range from usernames and passwords to social security numbers, addresses and even payment details.
The last thing you want is for your email address to be compromised in a data breach. Your email address can be misused, so much so, you may even lose control over all associated accounts to said email address.
If your personal information is compromised due to a data breach, you run the risk of being the victim of identity theft. A stolen identity can cause a lot of issues - the most pressing one is that; you may run into potential legal problems for someone else's actions.
Ivacy app is available on Android, iOS and Huawei