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Group of British Online Pirates Met Their Fate- A Jail Time of 17 Years!

British Online Pirates

The year 2015 has been a remarkable year for anti-piracy advocates. The anti-piracy movement has gained the much needed momentum during the last year. For all the efforts, which have forced the international governments to enforce anti-piracy laws, the proponents of the movement deserve a pat on the back.

The latest judgement, in connection with the sentencing of a group of British online pirates, which has landed them in jail for 17 years – is another cause of satisfaction for the anti-piracy groups.

Last week, an American anti-piracy organization, Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT) helped track down one of the most prolific online pirate group that operated in the United Kingdom. The group had five members – Sahil Rafiq, Reece Baker, Graeme Reid, Ben Cooper, and Scott Hemming – all UK citizens and proficient online movie pirates.

It all began three years ago in 2012 when FACT, an organization backed up by Hollywood to curb down on pirated movie content, started investigation into the matter. During the investigation, it was revealed that all the five members of the group used fake profiles on different social media websites and torrent-supporting websites, including Facebook, one of the most prominent social media giants, to send messages and post their links on different forums.

The severity of the offence can be gauged by the fact that these men were also working behind interrelated online groups, such as RemixHD, 26K, UNiQUE, DTRG and HOPE/RESISTANCE. Each one of the these groups was used to upload and share the links of movies that were yet to be released officially or were just getting ready to hit the theatres nation-wide.

At first the investigations were thought to be leading nowhere. But kudos to FACT team for their resilience and patience, the three-year investigation toil has finally borne the results. The culprits have met their fate. A 17-year jail term!

The FACT Team has done a marvellous job. It has set an example for others to follow. The judgement underlines the fact that there is no guarantee to get away with bad ethics behind a fake veil online.

Tags : 17 years in JailBritish Online Pirates

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