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New York Attorney General Slams FCC Over Net Neutrality


Seeing how internet privacy is slowly becoming a thing of the past, it comes as no surprise that little to no thought is given to net neutrality. Just recently, the FCC refused to acknowledge the huge public outcry against its move to put net neutrality to rest, for good. The fact that the system may have been gamed by fake users, posing as Americans, makes things worse than they already are.

The FCC Comment System May have been Manipulated

Earlier this year, it was speculated that a particular individual or an organization has been working behind the scenes to manipulate the FCC feedback system. The system has been constantly flooded with comments that go against net neutrality through and through. What is alarming is the fact that the comments were linked to real profiles, with valid email addresses and zip codes of people who deny having left any feedback on FCC’s website.

New York’s Attorney General is Not Pleased with the FCC

This Tuesday, New York’s Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, wrote about how his office worked around the clock to investigate the incident. However, the FCC blatantly refused to cooperate or fulfill any of the requests put forward by the Attorney General’s office. In the open letter, Schneiderman expresses his concern for the fake comments on the FCC’s website using real addresses and names, claiming it is no different from traditional methods of identity theft.

The FCC Shows Lack of Interest

What is surprising is that this is not the first time the FCC has proved to be uninterested with net neutrality. This becomes apparent with how the FCC, earlier this year, had to deal with lawsuits put forward by two journalists for its failure to comply with requests regarding the Freedom of Information Act. One such request involved an enquiry about the FCC’s claims regarding a DDoS attack that put its commenting system out of commission.

The Fate of Net Neutrality

At this point, the fate of net neutrality may seem foregone, especially considering how the FCC lacks transparency for something as trivial as its commenting system. For this reason entirely, it is imperative that internet users take things in their own hands to safeguard their security and anonymity online. Fortunately, there are numerous ways of making this possible, including using a VPN, which has left those fighting against net neutrality something to worry about.

Tags : Net Neutrality

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